General Rules

1. Every studio that comes to The Power of Dance is asked to designate a charity or cause that they would like to support. For every group number and duo/trio entered, $10 will be donated to your charity.

2. Every first place Overall winner wins an extra $10 for your cause.

3. $10 of the $30 Title Entry Fee, for EVERY Title entry, goes to your cause.

4. We also hold a POSTER CONTEST at each event. Make a poster, banner or display about your cause, and the winner gets and extra $100 for their charity. This is a great way to get the kids in the spirit of things, and we've seen some amazingly creative displays. We usually name more than one poster winner during the weekend. Venues often do not want us to tape the posters to their walls, so please try to use firm foam board or something that may lean on a wall if possible. You may also make a display that stands up by itself, of course.

5. Studios may choose ANY charitable organization, cause, or person or family in need as the beneficiary of any donations they win at The Power of Dance. The more the kids care about and understand their organization, the better. But -- since the purpose of our event is to help others through our art, organizations whose purpose is to support a dance studio or dance company are not eligible, even though they may have been granted non-profit status. We want the kids helping OTHERS, not themselves. Kind of the whole point.

6. Smoking is prohibited at all events sponsored by The Power of Dance. Also, food & drink is forbidden in all auditoriums and theatres. We are guests at each location, after all. Studio Owners, please make your families aware of this rule, as well as those below.

7. Video recording and photography are strictly prohibited! If any cameras or video equipment are seen in use in the competition auditorium, the dance will be stopped and The Power of Dance reserves the right to erase the contents of the media being used and remove the person involved from the auditorium. Repeat offenses may result in studio disqualification. Our wish is to protect not only the work of the choreographers, but, first and foremost, our children. After all, we have no way of knowing if the person filming is someone who SHOULD be filming that dancer or is in fact a complete stranger. And since cameras and cell phones can now be used to film, they must be banned as well. STUDIO OWNERS – You must make all of your parents aware of this rule.

8. By entering this competition, all dancers give their permission to The Power of Dance to use their photographs or video in connection with advertising, promotions or news coverage of our competitions without further authorization or compensation. We will not identify any dancer by name without written permission from that dancer’s parent or guardian. All dancers should be advised by their Studio Owners that the event may be videotaped. Those not wishing to be to be videotaped have the option of not performing, but there will be no refunds.

9. Freestanding props are permitted, but live animals, fire, pyrotechnics of any kind, swords, knives, and guns are all forbidden. Use of any may result in the disqualification of that dance. No fog machines or extra lighting or sound equipment will be allowed either.

10. Sportsmanlike behavior is expected at all times. Failure to display proper decorum by any student, parent or teacher, either in the auditorium, dressing room, or any other location, could result in immediate disqualification and dismissal from the premises with no refunds issued.

11. The Power of Dance strives to be a family-oriented competition, and any dance that is overtly sexual or lewd in nature, promotes violence or bigotry, or includes inappropriately revealing costumes may be scored down at the discretion of the judges.

12. We encourage you to send your music to us before the event via dropbox or through our registration system. Each contestant may also furnish his/her music on ipod or flash drive. A backup is recommended.

13. Any questions regarding routines should be brought to the attention of the show director by teacher or studio director only.

14. No one will be allowed to perform out of order except when there is a costume change issue, which must be verified by the director or stage manager. We attempt to schedule at least 10 minutes between each performers dances for costume changes. Performers must be ready to perform when their number is called. Please be prepared to perform one hour before your scheduled time in the event that we run ahead of schedule. If performers are not backstage when their dance is called, and the stage manager has not been notified a warning will be issued. Repeat offenses will result in disqualification of dances. This rule is not aimed at forcing quick costume changes -- it is aimed at studios that choose to have their dancers rehearsing in the hallways when they are supposed to be on stage!

15. The Power of Dance and the hosting facility are not responsible for personal injury or loss.